
Your Swiss competence centre for economic protection.

We protect your company against white-collar crime, cyber attacks, industrial espionage and other risks. We are the experts for sweeping, background checks and analyses integral security. Comprehensive and competent. From a single source.

Modern business and corporate protection no longer covers threat scenarios in different operational areas separately. Rather, it combines all protection disciplines into integral security. The risks for companies in Switzerland are becoming increasingly diverse and complex. Cyberattacks, white-collar crime, and industrial espionage are taking place at a significantly higher rate and with inscrutable interdependence - at the same time, private assets of company executives are increasingly attacked.

These challenges require networked thinking and advanced management skills. In addition to organizational and information security, it is especially important to consider the human risk factor, prepare emergency and crisis management, install the necessary control instruments and, if necessary, use private investigations and forensics.

How can Swiss Business Protection AG help your Business?

Competent management, experienced specialists

The management of Swiss Business Protection including the individual business units is in the hands of the proven experts of our executive board. We manage our projects centrally and rely on our specialists from various areas of practice. This enables us to provide you with comprehensive advice and support on integral security. From a single source.


Voranalyse von Indizien für Lauschangriffe

Die Voranalyse zur Lauschabwehr / TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) ist der erste Schritt, um die Vertraulichkeit und Privatsphäre Ihrer Räumlichkeiten zu gewährleisten.


Eine Firma, die sich schützt, ist ein Mehrwert!

In einem fesselnden Interview in der «Umwelt Zeitung» erklärt Chris Eckert, CEO der Swiss Business Protection AG, die Bedeutung von Wirtschaftsschutz für Unternehmen aller Grössen.

Umwelt Zeitung, 25. Juli 2023


Vortragsreihe am Mittag «Cyber Attacks – was tun?»

Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe am Mittag vom Europa Institut an der Universität Zürich referieren Dr. iur. Christian Laux und Chris Eckert zum Thema Cyberattacken.

Freitag, 25. August 2023 Ort: Kino Filmpodium, Nüschelerstrasse 11, 8001 Zürich